Code of Ethics

As a member of the British Institute of Graphologists it is my duty to apply the universal laws governing the science of graphology and handwriting analysis in the development of my own character, ability and personality, and to utilise my knowledge and expertise to the benefit of fellow human beings and to the advancement and status of the graphological profession.

My conduct, appearance and deportment will at all times and in all places be such as not to bring into disrepute the science of graphology or myself as a practitioner thereof.

My reports, analyses, recommendations, consultations, forms of therapy, whether by way of specially designed handwriting exercises or by positive verbal suggestions, or any other positive form of therapy or prophylaxis must always present the facts tactfully, without bias or censure, but truthfully and with the full intent to be as helpful in the best possible and positive manner for the person or client involved. In each and every instance the utmost care will be exercised to maintain absolute confidentiality.

My actions will be such as to avoid legal liabilities, to be in full co-operation with all graphologists and members of allied professions, to stay within the limits of my qualifications in the use of graphology and related techniques of personality and character analysis, and to maintain fair and proper business practices.

Objectives and aims

When Frank Hilliger and his fellow graphologists founded the B.I.G. in October 1983, they drew up a Code of Ethics and a list of Objects and Aims which still set the standard for the Institute today.

  • To act as a learned society.
  • To promote and enrich the science of graphology.
  • To enhance public understanding and recognition of graphology.
  • To develop theory and practice as a method of investigation in its various applications.
  • To provide facilities for study by way of tutorial courses, lectures and seminars throughout the UK as may be appropriate.
  • To obtain, where possible, grants for research.
  • To encourage research into graphology and to give practical assistance to any appropriate organisation, group or individual involved in research.
  • To establish the Institute as a professional body organised for the protection of the interests of its members.
  • To establish a binding code of ethical behaviour for all members.
  • To establish and award a qualifying Diploma in graphological analysis following an examination set by the Institute’s own examination board.